Saturday, October 28, 2006

Technorati Profile

Empowering Yourself!

Humans, or at least most Singaporeans, by nature are shy beings.
Perhaps it's driven by the way we have been brought up in an Asian environment. Children have all along been told that children are to be seen, not heard. If this goes on and on, the Pavlov Effect is being reinforced... day after day of this treatment, negatively reinforcing, what we think should be.

After many years and when we are adults, there is this inane nature within us... Or is it the nature of procrastination?

There is this strength deep within us all that everyone must realise and must know that it is available to anyone - anyone at all! But how can we tap this inner strength?

One possible solution lies with our own knowledge of what our strength and weakness is.
Each of us can come to this realisation by reflecting on our past behaviour and reaction to situations.

The totality of these combined realisations will indicate to us where we are, what we are, who we really are.

These realisations will then have to be continuously observed for it to be reinforced and internalised.
Without this internalising, we will find it difficult to convince ourselves of exactly where we stand in this world. Of course those amongst us who believe in God should also seek enlightenment from Him.

All these when put together, will increase our horizon of ignorance - make us know what we know, and also know the extent of what we don't.

Not only that, we must then take action and have that resolve to want to create the difference.
We must know that every large effort always requires the first little step. That small little step will then lead to a bigger pace, and thereafter to a jog, and eventually to a run when we've discovered what and who we truly are.

No one can tell us and make us feel as if we are nothing.
No one can tell us and make us feel like we are worthless, only when we allow them to affect us, our battle is already lost.
For most of us, there is really no physical difference between us and the next person, or even between us and the President for that matter. Yes, perhaps he has gone thru more experiences, and that he has more guidance in his earlier years, and that's why he is where he is right now.

But if we believe in ourselve enough, and we empower ourselves to believe that we are able to do more than we think, then we will find that the world is for us!
There is nothing that we can't do!
If we put our mind, and out heart and our all and treat the task as a life and death thing, we are sure to succeed!

No one else can empower us like the way we can...
Just like mighty beautiful beaches small waves make.

Think about it...

You can, becos you allow yourself to...

To your every success and blue skies, always!


For more of me, visit my other site at

Friday, October 20, 2006

Why Do People Feel So Down?

There seem to be so much dissatisfaction all over the world.
How can we solve this soul-wrenching, joy-busting feel?
How can we make such feelings take flight?
Attendant to this problem is one's inner confidence...

Only if you know youself, like the back of the palm of your hands...
But how can this be done?
Isn't it so difficult to know myself?

There are many ways we can do so...
I'll get back to this soon.